Founding Member
Claus Rinner, PhD Dr. Claus Rinner is a professor of geography in Toronto, Canada, where he teaches geospatial data analytics, cartographic visualization, and decision support techniques. As Undergraduate and Graduate Program Director as well as Department Chair, he...
Founding Member
Andrea C. Valente, PhD Andrea C. Valente is an educator, researcher, and academic consultant with solid experience in teaching domestic and international students at post-secondary institutions for over 20 years in Canada and abroad. Dr. Valente teaches courses in...
Founding Member
Angela Durante, PhD Angela Durante is an organic homesteader from Ontario, Canada, whose interest in sustainability, regenerative agriculture and quality food has led to the revival of an abused schoolhouse property into a productive small-scale organic farm. What...
Founding Member
Laurie Manwell, PhD I have a PhD in Psychology & Toxicology with research and teaching focused on environmental factors affecting neurobiology, behaviour, addiction, and mental health across the lifespan with an emphasis on early development and aging: 1) a...
Founding Member
Daphene Francis, PhD Dr. Daphene Francis completed her Undergrad in Nursing through a collaborative program at Ryerson University in Canada and graduated with an Honours Bachelors Nursing Science Degree and Psychology Minor. She was later selected by the Betty Irene...
Founding Member
Jeff Graham, PhD Jeff Graham is a cognitive psychologist with interests in human learning, online education, and personal growth, as well as consciousness, dreams, and meditation. His mission is to understand how our thoughts, words, and actions affect our future...