Finding Happiness
It could be said that one of the main goals in life is to be “happy”, but what does that really mean and how do we achieve that goal? It might surprise you to know that what we learn about how to achieve happiness, through our education and through our interactions with society, may not result in the happiness we are seeking. The research and strategies of Positive Psychology and other disciplines offer us some insight into the true nature of happiness, and explain why it has been hidden from us. In this course, we will examine the recent decline in individual and global happiness levels through the lenses of materialism, capitalism and technologism. We will explore the concepts of individualism and collectivism in order to better understand the true nature of happiness. We will also evaluate and experiment with some research-based strategies designed to foster greater happiness and well-being that you can use in your life, right now. By the end of this course, you will not only have a deeper awareness of the true nature of happiness, but you will be able to implement happiness strategies in your own lives, creating more personal well-being and by extension, transforming society as a whole.
Session: Starting Week of May 12, 2024 – 6 weeks
Delivery Mode: Asynchronous with Weekly tutorials held synchronously.
Meeting Times: Asynchronous with Weekly synchronous tutorials held on Fridays 11 am – 12 pm EST.